Statement Check Service

Do you check your statements to check you are getting paid appropriately?
Commercial Services

How will our Statement Check service help you?


PharmaPlus can help check and review your statements to make sure you are getting paid correctly as well as identify opportunities to grow your business.


PharmaPlus Statements Check Service:

  • We will help you get online NHS BSA FP34 Statements
  • Take 12 months of statements and scrutinise the payments
  • Provide a detailed report
  • Talk you through this one to one
Help provided to members 62%
Members that attended the seminar 85%
Satisfied members 100%

Cost of the service

  • The price for PharmaPlus members is £250 + VAT
  • (For non-members the price is £350 + VAT)

Get in touch with us today to see how we can help.