Training and Events

The PharmaPlus Academy offers training on various walks of the pharmacy profession - from clinical to business focused.

PharmaPlus provides an array of training initiatives to its members. Offering a one to one mentoring and support on all aspects of running your pharmacy by providing clinical, regulatory, business and marketing advice. You can benefit from training videos on various topics – business & clinical, face to face seminars and training events as well as various courses via PharmaPlus Academy – suitable for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, staff and pre – registration pharmacists.

We also offer social and networking events for members, their staff and families to come together under one roof and share their experiences and learning with colleagues in the industry.

PharmaPlus Academy Courses

Find more information on courses we offer via our training partners for Pre-Registration Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians, Counter Staff and much more.


The New and Interactive Pharmaplus STAFF TRAINING modules are aimed at COUNTER ASSISTANT STAFF working behind the pharmacy counter.


Training Seminars

Find our more about the training we organise on topics such as Flu Vaccination, Revalidation, National Early Warning Score and other business and clinical topics.


PharmaPlus Training Videos

Find all our training videos here with topics such as Quality Payments, STAFF TRAINING, Healthy Living Pharmacy, clinical and industry updates.


Pharmacy Timelines 2023

A yearly calendar of important dates for PharmaPlus members, including reminders, deadlines, our seminars and events as well as booking options.


2019's Events & Announcements

(Click the link description below to BOOK your place TODAY!)

Flu Vaccination Training: PharmaPlus Head Office – 23 JUNE, 21 JULY and 15 SEPTEMBER 2019 

PharmaPlus Golf Day: Hartsbourne Golf Course and Country Club in Hertfordshire – 8th September 2019 

Social Networking Event: Coming Soon…

Revalidation Training: Coming Soon…

NEWS 2 Training: Coming Soon…

Watch the above space for new announcements

A quick view of our recent networking events