Training 3 – Care Plus
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Staff Training Video 3 – Introduction to Care Plus
Welcome to our new training series for counter staff. This will be a regular feature for our members to support your staff to improve patient care.
The video for this week is an introduction to Care Plus, which is about how you can support your patients and the pharmacy to provide exceptional levels of care.
You can do this by recommending other services and products that the patient may need in addition to what they have asked for. For example, if they are looking for information on flu vaccination, why not also suggest that they also look at cold remedies and other winter medications? You could also look into pneumococcal vaccination etc. This way, the patient gets a much more rounded service.
Watch this 5 minute video to find out more! We use the example of travel medicine in this video.
Staff Training Video 3 – Introduction to Care Plus
Further Information:
If you need more information, please call PharmaPlus office.