
HEE Funding For IP Courses in 2023/24

HEE Funding for IP courses in 2023/24 Health Education England (HEE) has announced a further year of funding for independent prescribing courses, supporting pharmacists across various healthcare settings. The ability to prescribe independently is essential for pharmacists who provide care in the NHS. This training enables pharmacists to support patients from diagnosis to prescribing, offer [...]

Overcoming Challenges of Finding a DPP for Prescriber Training

Overcoming Challenges of Finding a DPP for Prescriber Training Becoming an independent prescriber is important for pharmacists who want to expand their professional responsibilities and contribute more to patient care. However, one of the biggest challenges in this process is finding a designated medical or prescribing practitioner (DMP/DPP) who can provide the required training and [...]

Community Pharmacists and Independent Prescribing

Community Pharmacists and Independent Prescribing There has been a growing demand for community pharmacists to provide independent prescribing services in the UK in recent years. Independent prescribing is the ability of healthcare professionals to prescribe medicines without needing a doctor's prescription. This service has many benefits for patients, healthcare professionals, and the healthcare system as [...]